50 Self Care Ideas for New Moms

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful experiences. Some of you reading this might be saying, it’s also the most stressful one. Yes, motherhood is. It changes everything. It makes a bigger person out of us.

Before I became a mother, I never realized I could be this giving and this loving. Motherhood opens our hearts. We are willing to give more. And then some. Often we give more than we can offer. We give all our time and energy to our little bundles of joy that we ignore ourselves.

I read a very nice quote recently. I read something like, ‘You can’t pour out of an empty cup’, and it stuck with me. We give our children so much that we don’t have much left for us. And then starts the frustration and the feeling of being overwhelmed. Especially when you are a new mom or even a toddler mom.

If this is you, I want to say, ‘It’s okay. It’s okay to love yourself and get a little selfish with your time’.

Let’s talk about self-care ideas for new moms. And all you seasoned moms out there, keep reading because most of the moms I know, (even moms of older kids) don’t take out enough time for themselves.

Self Care Ideas for New Moms

Here are my self-care ideas for new moms:

Make yourself a priority too

The first thing you need to understand before you think about self-care is that your health and wellness are also an important part of the equation when it comes to taking care of your child. You can’t take good care of your child if you are tired or depressed.

There is a lot a new mom has to do and adjust too, but every day, aim to give yourself 30 minutes. Schedule a date with yourself. Do something you love doing. Commit to those 30 minutes like your life depends on it.

Don’t prioritize cleaning and laundry over your health. Learn some easy recipes that require less than 30 minutes to prepare. And in those 30 minutes, here are 50 Self-care ideas for new moms:

self care ideas for new moms

Sleep Well

Sleep while the baby sleeps. Is a piece of excellent advice. I’ve seen loads of memes around these and I agree that there is a lot to do when you are a new mom. You want to shower, clean, cook, bathe the baby, massage him, feed him- the list is endless.

Why can’t we do all of this when the baby is awake. Yes, working with a child is a distraction, but if you make a habit out of it, it will make your life easier. The baby isn’t going to go anywhere. So, while he is busy making those baby noises, clean up the room.

Don’t cater to your child ALL THE TIME. Make it normal for him to spend a few minutes while mommy is cleaning up. Put him in a baby sling if he is getting fussy. Talk to him while working. I find this soothes the child and makes him feel like mommy is there. Also, talking to your child boosts speech development in newborns.

Make sure the time you spend with him is quality time. Give him a massage. Encourage him to explore tummy time. Read a baby book. Talk to your child.

Eat a balanced diet

This is especially important for breastfeeding moms. A balanced diet will not only improve your energy levels, but it will also boost milk production and your baby’s immune system.

Include foods from all food groups.

Get Active

Put your baby in a stroller and go for a walk. Or try those Kegel exercises recommended for new moms.

Being a new mom can be physically draining. But walking under the sun can increase serotonin levels. That’s the hormone responsible for fighting depression (and you know how it is being a new mom). You’ll see that just 10 minutes of walk will do wonders for your mood. Plus, the baby also needs some sun on his skin, too.

Spend Time with Your People

Many times when we have a newborn in our hands, we totally ignore the outside world. It feels like there is so much going on in ours that we don’t have time for others.

But having a social connection is very important. Spend intentional time with your partner. Cook a fancy dinner. Watch a movie together. Talk to your partner about your experiences as a mother. Take out the time to revive your relationship. This will help your baby also. Babies achieve milestones earlier in safer, happy environments.

Visit your friends and family. Or invite them over. Sometimes just talking to friends is such a stress-booster.

Also, ask these people to help when they are there. Many times we are reluctant to ask for help. We assume no one would want to. But I’ve seen people want to help. They will almost always say yes if only we would ask.

Even if they can’t take care of the baby, you can give them other tasks. Like cooking a meal or running an errand for you. Return the favor by cooking extras or giving them a small gift. It will help them feel appreciated.

While your partner or mothers take care of the baby, you can try out those self-care ideas.

I hope this article will help you take out more time for yourself. If you are struggling and these strategies aren’t helping,  I would love to help you determine your needs. Please reach out to set up a free consultation. We are here to support you as you help your child blossom!

I’d love to hear any strategies you are using to care for yourself.  Please join us in our FREE Facebook community to help us out!

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