5 Healthy Habits to Incorporate Into Your Family’s Life

healthy habits

It can be hard to raise kids in today’s busy world. Many families are balancing work, family obligations, sports practice, homework, and general home management. And on top of everything else is the pressure to keep your family healthy, which can often feel like it takes MORE time (cooking at home versus going out, limiting screen time, planning high-quality family outings).

 But, it doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming to incorporate healthy habits into your family’s life.

5 Healthy Habits to Incorporate Into Your Family’s Life

Today I’d like to share with you my top 5 healthy habits for families.


This may seem super simple, but the benefits of walking should not be underestimated!  In addition to being great for your heart and lungs, walking also reduces your risk for certain diseases.  Walking as a family has the added benefit of bonding time.

I encourage you to see if you can fit in a walk as a family either first thing in the morning or before or after dinner.  Even once around the block can make a difference! If you have older children and enjoy a little healthy competition, try using a fitness tracker like a Fitbit to track steps and see who can get the most steps each week!  

Family Traditions

Having special traditions around holidays is one thing, but doing special things regularly can really bring your family closer together.  Traditions can be really simple and easy, like going out for pizza and bowling on Friday nights, or playing Monopoly on Sunday afternoons.  

One of our favorite traditions is getting $1 burritos from the restaurant up the street every Wednesday!  Many traditions often revolve around (unhealthy) food, but they don’t have to!  Find something that your family really enjoys doing together, and try to make a special time to do it regularly.

 One of my favorite non-food activities is the game night! There’s just something really special about sitting around a game board and enjoying a little competition. Two of my favorite family games are Monopoly and Sorry!  Many families enjoy getting outdoors together as a tradition, too.  Saturday afternoon bike rides or hikes are two great examples of fun, active traditions!

Drinking More Water

It’s pretty common to not drink the recommended amount of water, but it can be an easy habit to change.  Start by having each family member pick out a new water bottle. Having a container that you love to drink out of can trick you into drinking more water throughout the day.

 I personally love Contigo water bottles, and they come in adult and kid sizes!  I recently went to three different Costco stores to find the elusive 3-pack that someone told me about!  We love keeping them filled with water in the fridge. Thay way they are cold and ready to go when we are!

Another way to get more water into your family is by making fruit infused waters.  They often have these at hotels and spas, and they are super yummy. Try this glass pitcher from Prodyne, and you’ll always have delicious, infused water on hand at home!

Family Meetings

Meeting regularly to discuss the upcoming week can be a really great way to set the tone for a productive and less stressful week. We meet every Wednesday night and include our finances as part of the meeting!  If your kids are too young to participate, it’s a great habit to get into with your spouse. Even just taking 10 minutes to compare calendars and review what the upcoming week looks like can make a difference in how you feel about your week.  It also ensures that nothing slips through the cracks, like permission slips or oil changes!

As your children get older, it’s a fun way to include them on family decisions, and for them to see you and your spouse modeling good communication and teamwork. Many people use electronic calendars these days, but if you are like me and like to have things written down on pen and paper, I personally love the Blue Sky planners.  

Eating More Whole Foods

There are so many different ways to eat these days (keto, plant-based, gluten-free, raw, etc), it can be hard to know what’s best!  However, most experts would agree that you can never go wrong by adding more whole foods into your diet.

Think non or minimally processed foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds.  Aim to include whole foods in every meal, and try making them the centerpiece of the meal, rather than the side! Whole foods are easy to snack on, too, if you keep them on hand and easily accessible.  Think: fruits and veggies all cut up and at eye level in the fridge, or easy to eat non-refrigerated options out on the countertop (mandarin oranges, bananas, apples, nuts).

It can be fun to try new fruits and vegetables together, too. Kids love the novelty of picking out an exotic looking fruit or veggie at the store, and looking up recipes to try together adds to the fun!  There is also a neat subscription box called The Veggie Buds Club that introduces new vegetables once a month.



I hope that you find some time to incorporate these healthy habits into your family’s life! If you have other suggestions or have tried any of these, please join us in our FREE Facebook community to share.


As always, if you have concerns about your child’s development and would like to set up a free consultation to discuss your concerns, please reach out! I would love to help you determine your child’s individual needs. We are here to support you as you help your child blossom!

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