Potty Training in 3 days for toddlers + Potty training Tips

potty training

Potty training is one of the biggest milestones for your child, and even for you. It’s also one of the most dreaded tasks for a parent. And understandably so, with all the accidents and the cleanup. It can be frustrating.

But before you are ready to potty train your toddler, read this post to arm yourself with all the knowledge, and the right tools.

When to Start Potty Training

There is no perfect potty training age. While the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting, my kids were potty trained at 13 and 15 months so I know it can be done early!

A good time to potty train is when your toddler shows some of the following signs:

  1. Shows interest in the potty. He is observing his siblings use the potty with interest.
  2. Doesn’t like being in a dirty diaper.
  3. Can follow simple instructions
  4. Is able to communicate what he wants.
  5. Able to pull his pants up and down.
  6. Has predictable bowel movements
  7. Goes through a dry diaper for long stretches of time.
  8. You aren’t going through a big change in your life.

While these signs are good indications, I believe that we can start at an early age. My kids were trained before they even passed the 2-year mark.

Potty Training in 3 days for toddlers

If you feel that your toddler is ready to potty train, you can potty train your toddler in 3 days, or even less. Despite what you might have heard, potty training a toddler doesn’t have to be stressful.

Build Excitement

Turn potty training into one big exciting journey. Talk about it with your toddler. Invest in colorful, fun books. Buy potty training gear. If your child is excited, he will be more willing to learn. Talk about the 3 potty training days before you actually start the training.

Talk About Potty Training with your toddler

Start a few days earlier by reading some fun potty training children’s book with your toddler. Here are some we can suggest:

Potty by Leslie Patricelli

This very cute Potty book follows the dialogue of a toddler with himself on how he needs to go potty but doesn’t know where he should go. The message is simple and clear. Perfect for young toddlers.

Big Girl Panties

Big Girl Panties is a fun, rhyming book about a girl who is ready and excited about potty training. If you are looking for potty training books for girls, this is a really good one.

Big Boy Underpants

Potty training for boys can be very challenging. This is a fun, witty book can help motivate your little man to give potty training a try.

Clear Your Calendar

The secret to potty training your toddler in 3 days is to dedicate your full energy to it. You will have to be there with your toddler for the entire time for these 3 days. This means no babysitting or daycare. You might have to take a leave from work if you are a working mom.  Just remember that after 3 days, you won’t need to shop in the diaper section of your grocery store.

Get a Potty

The adult potty seat might be scary for your child. They would rather relieve themselves on the bathroom floor than sit on the potty. Make the transition easier by investing in potty training seats. Choose something colorful or look for your child’s favorite cartoon character potty training seats.

Put the potty training seats someplace where it’s easily accessible to your toddler. It doesn’t have to be necessarily in the toilet.

If you aren’t comfortable using potty seats because of all the mess, you can invest in a potty training insert. You can attach these to the regular potty seats.

This potty training insert with a seat ladder can be both handy and easy to use for your toddler.

Go Diaper-less

Take off the diapers completely. After your toddler wakes up on the first day, take off the diaper. Lock the others if you have to. You can only use pull-ups or training pants.

Create a schedule

Take them to potty every half hour or so. You might have to take him more often in the beginning. Once you get to understand their schedule, take them when necessary.

Remember to take him to potty 10 minutes after they have drunk fluids. Some other good times to head for the potty is after they wake up, before they go to bed, or after a meal.

I find that boys need to pee more often than girls. Potty training for boys means you might have to take them to the potty after every half hour. Girls might not need to go that often.

Rewards and Praises

Encourage your toddler through rewards and praises after a job is done well. Encourage your child with praises, stickers, a reward chart, little treats or something they really love doing.

Here’s a reward chart you can print and stick to your bathroom wall when trying to potty train in three days:

potty training chart

Once your toddler is done with potty training in three days, take him and yourself out for a good treat. Remember, no diapers! Switch over to training pants for trips outside.

Learn more on potty training in 3 days in this book.

More Potty training Tips

These potty training tips will make the training process with your toddler smoother and less stressful:

Use Easy to Change Clothes

Go bare bottom if you have to. Or get clothes that are easy to get in and out off. When your toddler finally starts telling you, he might be doing it at just the last moment. Be instant ready!

Don’t scold your toddler

Accidents will happen. But if you are harsh with your toddler, you might scare him. He might be afraid to potty train. This will make your task harder.

Don’t give up

If your toddler is showing the above-mentioned signs of being ready for potty training, then don’t give up. Do not go back to the diaper. Lock them up. Throw them out if you have to. Give it a full three days. If after that you feel that your toddler isn’t ready, take a break. Start after another week.

Buy puppy pads

While these are for pets, I found puppy pads very helpful for accidents while in the car. Put these on your car seats. Accidents in cars will happen. I feel they happen the most in cars than in anyplace else. That’s because your child knows there’s no place for him to go. Plus, he may be tired after a long journey.

Potty Training for Boys

Potty training for boys is often more challenging than it is with girls. This practical potty training urinal for boys will make the job much easier.

Buy it here!

Potty Training Resources

I always recommend reading up on one or two good books when you start a new chapter in parenting.  Some good books  I would recommend on potty training are:

potty training book



I hope that these tips to potty train your toddler are helpful to you! Please join us in our FREE Facebook community to share if you tried any of them.  

As always, if you have concerns about your child’s development and would like to set up a free consultation to discuss your concerns, please reach out! I would love to help you determine your child’s individual needs. We are here to support you as you help your child blossom!

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