If you have been raising kids in the twenty-first century, someone has likely asked you, ‘How many hours of screen does your child get?’ It’s the dilemma of our generation. We can’t avoid the screen. It’s everywhere and in different forms. And children often get easily addicted to it. It’s worse than the worst drug. Read More
9+Road Trip Activities for Kids
‘Are we there yet?’ ‘For the hundredth time, NO.’ This is me during any of the road trips we’ve taken with the kids. Sometimes just the thought of a road trip makes me anxious. My kids don’t like these long road trips. They get fidgety sitting in the car after like an hour. The word Read More
5 Tips To Building Communication Skills in Toddlers
If you’ve ever found yourself arguing with a toddler, or getting sucked into an illogical conversation with one, you know the struggle that can sometimes come with communicating with little ones! There is a lot happening in terms of brain development and communication during the time between babyhood and pre-school: your child likely can understand Read More
How to Stop Nail biting in Children
Nail biting can be a very annoying habit in our kids. Also, known as Onychophagia, nail biting is a compulsive habit. If you don’t stop nail biting in children at an early age, it could continue well into adulthood. Nail biting in kids can damage nails, surrounding skin, cuticles, and even the teeth. It also Read More
Positive Parenting: How to be a happy parent.
Do you want to be a parent who is happier and more in control of the situation? Do you want kids who are confident, respectful and competent? We all do. That’s why positive parenting is becoming so popular. Everyone wants a better relationship with their children and a happier, peaceful home. And it’s not so Read More
9 Dollar Tree Motor Skill Activities under $20
Dollar Tree has always been one of my favorite places to shop. Whenever I visit the store, I pick up a few odd things that I feel my kids would love. Over the years, I have tried some great dollar store motor skill activities. Motor Skill Activities As an Occupational Therapist, I’ve worked a lot Read More
Vocabulary Game For Kids (Includes Template)
When it comes to expressing ourselves properly, we need to use the right words. Often times, our little ones get frustrated because they have problems expressing themselves. They don’t know which words to use. I’m also about making learning and helping kids achieve developmental milestones in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. It makes the entire process Read More
7 Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Germs
As your child gets ready to attend preschool, one concern most mothers have is of their children catching germs and getting sick. That’s what usually happens. When your child goes to school, he makes more social contacts every day. Also, these kids are very inquisitive about their surroundings. They like to touch everything. This makes Read More