When I visit friends with kids, they are always apologizing for the mess. Haven’t you done something similar when guests visit? Most women feel the pressure of keeping their home military clean. Either they spend all their free time cleaning up the mess, or they feel frustrated when their kid spills the milk yet another Read More
Building Your Preschooler’s Vocabulary
*This post contains affiliate links, meaning that, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Language development can often feel like something that just sort of “happens;” we aren’t actively teaching our children to talk, they are just naturally inclined to communicate with Read More
How to Raise a Child with Leadership Skills
Raising children is hard work! You run around all day, making sure that they are well fed and comfortable. At the same time, you are trying to deal with a small human who seems to have his own opinions and ideas. If you’re anything like the average mom, you’ve probably wondered what your children will Read More
5 Ways to Support Pre-Writing Skills at Home
*Please note that this blog contains affiliate links, meaning that, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Handwriting requires the mastery of many skills, including vision, hand-eye coordination, muscle memory, posture, body control, pencil grip, and letter formation. Today we are going Read More
8 Simple Ways to Really Improve Handwriting In Kids
If you can’t understand what your kid is writing, you aren’t alone. Everything’s going digital these days. Even classrooms. So it’s not surprising that the majority of parents are concerned about how to improve handwriting in kids. If your kid is having problems with handwriting, it’s not something you should be scared of. Many parents Read More
5 Activities to Develop Receptive Language Skills
Receptive language, at its most basic definition, is the ability to understand words and language. Receptive language skills are essential in order for children to communicate successfully. These skills allow children to make sense of and respond to things that they see and hear. Children who struggle with receptive language skills have trouble with understanding Read More
10 Things to Do With Kids Every Day
If you are mom, like me, you know what mom guilt feels like. Phrases like distracted parenting, working moms, do nothing to ease the guilt. We try to nudge in as much time in your schedules for our kids. And if you are that mom, you know how stressful that can be. Here’s some good Read More
Help Your Child Get Dressed (Without a Fight)
If you have a child between the ages of 3-5, you know the struggle of getting your child to dress up. From resisting the process entirely, to fighting about what is and isn’t appropriate to wear to school, mornings can really be a headache! Although independent dressing may seem like a simple task, it does Read More