3 Tooth Brushing Tips For Young Children

tooth brushing tips for young children

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Teeth brushing can be a serious battle of wills when you have a young child!  I’m sure I’m not alone when it comes to struggling with teeth brushing. Thankfully, my own kids have been pretty good with brushing teeth so far, but I have had more than one family I work with tell me that tooth brushing is a two person situation where one person sits on the child and holds their arms while the other pries open the mouth and brushes the teeth!

So if you are having difficulties with tooth brushing, please know that you are not alone! While you likely won’t avoid struggle completely, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve for making tooth brushing a little more easier and more pleasant for everyone!  But before we dive into those tips, I’d love to look a little more closely at what’s happening in terms of development.  

What’s the Deal with Brushing Teeth?

For young children, having independence is very important to them.  Starting at around age 2, children begin to assert their independence and you’ll often hear the phrase “I can do it MYSELF!”  (Sometimes said calmly, but often yelled). The tricky part here is that often children aren’t quite physically capable of doing something independently! For example, even if your child wants to pour his own juice, he often doesn’t have the motor skills or coordination to do so without spilling it all over the place.  

So when it comes to self-care, even if they want to do things for themselves, the reality is that they still need support.  And when it comes to teeth brushing, obviously you can’t trust that your 3 year old will do a good enough job on his own. In fact, dentists recommend that you help children brush their teeth until age 6 or 7!

3 Tooth Brushing Tips For Young Children

Luckily, there are some great ways to facilitate independence while still getting the job done!  Here are my three tooth brushing tips for young children:


Let Your Child Pick Out Their Own Brush

As with most things, kids like when they have a choice.  Take them to the store. Give them several options to choose from, or shop online to find the perfect toothbrush!  Dentists recommend only soft-bristled brushes for young children, and there are plenty of options out there in terms of colors and characters.  If your child’s dentist recommends it, there are also a number of electric toothbrushes made just for kids.  Let your child take ownership over this decision, and you’re more likely to get cooperation when toothbrushing time comes.  Oh, and let them pick the toothpaste flavor, too!

Use a Timer

Once you get them to brush, it’s also important to make sure you are doing it for the recommended amount of time.  There are a number of two-minute sand timers out there, or you could use a digital timer.  Another fun option is to find a great two-minute song to play or sing every time you brush! There are even electric toothbrushes with built-in timers. 

Another digital tool that I have seen work really well for both my kids and kids at my clinic is the app called “Brush App.”  See it in action here.  I’ve found that it motivates them to keep brushing and hit all the areas of the mouth.

Set Them Up For Success

Make sure you have a set up for your child that allows them to be independent, even when you are still going to be helping.  Put their toothbrush in an accessible spot. Make sure you have a stool so that they can independently reach the sink. And make it clear that they are “in charge” and you are just helping.  This helps them to feel in control and will lead to more cooperation. For example, asking them “would you like to brush first, or should I go first?” Taking turns ensures that they feel competent, but also gets their teeth clean! 

tooth brushing tips for young children

Sometimes underdeveloped fine motor skills can cause problems when children attempt to brush their own teeth.  If you notice your child struggling and are concerned, please reach out to set up a free consultation.  I would love to help you determine your child’s individual needs. We are here to support you as you help your child blossom! 


I hope that these tooth brushing tips for young children help!  I’d love to hear your ideas as well.  Please join us in our FREE Facebook community to share!

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